Article I: Name and Address
Article II: Purpose

Article III: Membership

Article IV: Dues

Article V: Voting

Article VI: Meetings
Article VII: Officers and Their Election
Article VIII: Duties of Officers

Article IX: Committees and Their Duties

Article X: Liabilities

Article XI: Amendments

Article I: Name and Address
1. This Association shall be known as Hueston Sailing Association. Its anchorage shall be located on Acton Lake, Hueston Woods State Park, Oxford, Ohio.

Article II: Purpose
1. The purpose of the Association shall be to encourage and promote the sport of small boat handling, water safety, seamanship and competitive sailing, to foster and emphasize a spirit of friendship, mutual helpfulness and courteous consideration among members of the Association, and to promote development of Park facilities.

Article III: Membership
1. The membership of this Association shall consist of the following:
a. Regular members shall be those persons who have applied for membership and have paid the dues and fees established for such regular membership. A Regular Membership Unit shall consist of all members of the immediate family of the Regular member, namely, husband, wife and all children living at home under the age of 21 years or who are full time students on date of payment of the current year dues, all of whom shall be entitled to full Association privileges.
b. Associate members shall be those persons desiring to maintain contact with Association activities by receiving the Acton Action newsletter, the Hueston Sailing Association Yearbook and by participating in social functions. Associates members will have no other privileges, including the right to vote, hold office and receive racing trophies.
c. Honorary members shall be those recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by a two-thirds vote of the members in attendance at any meeting of the Association. No dues shall be assessed Honorary members. Honorary members shall have all rights and privileges in the Association for their lifetime, except that of voting and holding office.
d. Youth Sailing Group members shall be groups of sailing youths sponsored by universities, schools, scouting organizations and similar sponsoring groups which have been approved for membership by the Executive Committee. Each such group shall be considered one Regular Membership Unit for all purposes and shall have all privileges extended to Regular Membership Units.
e. Commercial memberships shall be extended to businesses, subject to approval of the Executive Committee. Such members shall be entitled to the following privileges only:
1. A separate listing in the Hueston Sailing Association Yearbook under a heading "Commercial Members" and containing the statement "The following businesses support the activities of Hueston Sailing Association through Commercial Memberships. Your patronage of these businesses will be appreciated." The listing can be prepared by either the Association or by the business. The size of the listing will be 1/3 of a page, or 5½" x 2¾".
2. The right to include a single page flyer in each issue of the Acton Action, such flyer to be prepared by the Commercial member and furnished to the Hueston Sailing Association Secretary in sufficient quantity at least three days prior to the mailing of the Acton Action.
2. Termination of membership of any member may be effected at any time by:
a. Resignation;
b. Nonpayment of dues;
c. Expulsion by vote of two-thirds of the Executive Committee. Grounds for such expulsion can be: poor sportsmanship, immorality, fraud, conduct unbecoming to the best interests of the Association. Such a matter may be bought before the Executive Committee by any Regular member of the Association. The member so charged shall have the right to present a defense to any such charges to the Executive Committee.

Article IV: Dues
1. Dues for each class of membership and equipment fund fees shall be set by majority vote of the membership present at the first regular meeting of each year, upon recommendation of the Executive Committee.
2. Dues shall be for the calendar year. Dues are payable no later than February 28 of each year. Any member whose dues are not paid by that date shall lose all membership privileges, including the right to vote and hold office until such dues are paid. All races sailed during such period of arrears shall be scored as having been sailed by a nonmember.
3. Children of Regular members shall be exempt from payment of any additional dues or fees normally assessed new members provided they become Regular members within two years of the time they lose Regular membership status.
4. No person shall be assessed additional dues or fees normally paid by new Regular members, if he has previously paid such additional dues or fees.

Article V: Voting
1. Each Regular Membership Unit in good standing shall be entitled to one vote.
2. The Regular Membership Units present at any properly announced meeting shall constitute a quorum.
3. All votes shall be by simple majority unless otherwise specified herein.

Article VI: Meetings
1. The Annual Meeting shall be held in November of each year at a time and place as determined by the Commodore.
2. Other meetings shall be scheduled by the Commodore, and notice of such meetings shall be mailed to all members at least seven days thereto.
3. The Commodore shall call additional meetings upon written request of twenty-five percent (25%) of the members or a majority of the Executive Committee. Such meetings shall be scheduled within fifteen days of notice to the Commodore, and all members shall receive seven days prior notice thereof.

Article VII: Officers and Their Election
1. The officers of the Association shall be Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Treasurer, Secretary and Harbor Master. All officers shall be elected for a term of one year beginning at the Annual Meeting in November.
2. Nominations for office shall be made by the Nominating Committee. This committee shall present a slate of officers at an October meeting, at which time additional nominations shall be accepted from the membership. Such ballots shall be returned to the Secretary prior to the Annual Meeting and shall be tabulated and reported by the Secretary.
3. The election of officers shall be announced at the Annual Meeting, and all such duly elected officers installed for the ensuing year.
4. A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled by appointment by the Commodore with concurrence of the Executive Committee. Should the office of Commodore become vacant, it shall be filled promptly by the Executive Committee, with the Vice Commodore fulfilling the duties of the Commodore until the vacancy has been filled.

Article VIII: Duties of Officers
1. The Commodore shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee; appoint standing and temporary committees (except the Executive Committee, Permanent Race Committee and Harbor Master Committee), appoint a representative to the Ohio Valley Sailing Association, and perform all other duties usually incident to this office.
2. The Vice Commodore shall assist the Commodore in his duties and shall be responsible for the development and implementation of all social activities, including the social functions associated with the Annual Meeting.
3. The Rear Commodore shall serve as Chairman of the Permanent Race Committee.
4. The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Association, shall keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures and shall pay out funds only as authorized by the Association. The Treasurer shall present a statement of account when requested by the Commodore or the Executive Committee.
5. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall keep a roll of members and shall issue a membership card to each member in good standing. The Secretary shall issue the Hueston Sailing Association Yearbook, the Acton Action, notices of meetings and ballots. The Secretary shall have custody of Association Trophies, documents, records, reports and communications connected with the business of the Association, and shall conduct the general correspondence of the Association.
6. The Harbor Master is responsible for the care, maintenance, operation, launching and storage of boats, trailers, boating equipment and racing equipment. He instructs members in the proper and safe use of all equipment. He makes periodic checks of mooring facilities and suggests any improvements needed. The Harbor Master shall cooperate with the Park authorities and advise members of violations of either Park or safety regulations.
7. The duties of all officers may be altered by the Commodore with approval of the Executive Committee.

Article IX: Committees and Their Duties
1. Executive Committee
a. The Executive Committee shall consist of seven members: Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Treasurer, Secretary, Harbor Master and the immediate Past Commodore. If any positions are filled by co-chairmen, they shall jointly have one vote on Committee actions.
b. The executive power and general charge of the Association shall be vested in the Executive Committee.
2. Permanent Race Committee
a. The Permanent Race Committee shall consist of the Rear Commodore who shall serve as Chairman and one member from each of the current year's racing Fleets, such member being determined by each of such Fleets.
b. This Committee shall make arrangements for all races held by the Association and shall appoint from the membership the judges, and other officers required to conduct all races sponsored by the Association.
c. Races shall be conducted according to the rules and regulations set forth by U.S. Sailing whose rules and regulations as published and/or amended are hereby incorporated into and made a part of this Constitution as if fully written herein.
d. All questions that may arise concerning any race conducted by the Association, which cannot be settled by the Chairman assigned to conduct the specific race(s) in question, shall be decided by this Committee in conformity with racing rules. Any member who has violated any of the racing rules may be disqualified by the Permanent Race Committee.
e. A majority vote by the members of this Committee present shall be decisive in regard to any race.
f. This Committee shall keep all race records and shall procure and award all Association racing trophies.
3. Harbor Master Committee
a. This Committee shall consist of the Harbor Master, who will serve as Chairman, and at least one member from each of the current year's racing Fleets, such member to be determined by each such Fleet.
b. The duties of this Committee shall be to assist the Harbor Master in the fulfillment of his responsibilities as set forth in Article VIII, Paragraph 6.
4. Audit Committee
a. The Audit Committee shall consist of three regular members as appointed by the Commodore. No current or immediate past officers may be appointed to this Committee.
b. This Committee shall conduct an audit of the current year's financial records, commencing with the date of the prior audit, and shall make a written report on such audit to be included with the Association's records. An oral report on such audit shall also be made to the membership at the Annual Meeting.
5. Nominating Committee
a. This Committee shall consist of three regular members, excluding current officers, to be appointed by the Commodore.
b. The duties of this Committee shall be those referred to on Article VII, paragraph 2.
6. The duties of any Committee may be altered as necessary by the Commodore with approval of the Executive Committee.

Article X: Liability
1. All officers and committee members, whether elected or appointed, shall be charged with and held responsible for the appropriate duties and functions of each office or committee. However, the officers and committee members, wholly and individually assume no responsibility for and shall be held harmless from any claim or claims for any loss, damage or injury to any boat or equipment or any person or persons for any reason whatsoever during or in connection with any association function.

Article XI: Amendments
1. An amendment to the Constitution may be proposed by any member or by the Executive Committee at any meeting of the Association and upon a majority vote of those present, voting shall be submitted to the full membership of the Association for their approval.
2. A written copy of any proposed amendment must be mailed to each member at least two weeks prior to the vote on the proposed amendment; and each member shall be notified of the date, time and place at which such vote shall be taken.
3. Amendments to this Constitution shall be by two-thirds vote of the membership voting. Members may vote in person or by proxy. Proxy votes must be sent to the Secretary before the meeting.
4. This Constitution may be revised in the same manner as amended.